Friday, October 18, 2013

Maryville Missouri

Some interesting and terrible things have been happening in the town that is my home away from home for the next four years.

The story is long but I am just going to give a very short summary.

A girl named Daisy was 14 when she was raped by a junior in high school. He left her unconscious body in her front yard. She was then made fun of and humiliated and essentially forced to leave town.

Now this happened years ago but the group Anonymous found out and are very serious about it.

Now my opinion because I am a hardcore feminist is that this is awesome. Something like this needs to not fly under the radar. It's a huge deal. People need to know about this.

By Tuesday there are supposed to be around 50 or more news outlets in town and Anonymous will be here for a demonstration.

Interesting things are happening here indeed.

Monday, October 14, 2013


I’m so ready for homecoming.

Not because of the game, not because of the activities, and not even because of walk out day.

The reason I’m excited is because I get to see my family. I’m going home and I get to see my parents, my sister, my best friends. Maybe for only one day but I still get to see them.

I can’t wait. I don’t even know how to express my feelings about it. I’m just so excited.

Don’t tell anyone but I’m mostly excited about seeing the cats.

If I didn't have a boyfriend I would definitely be a cat lady…

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Confidence is key.
People say that all the time.
I have barely any confidence because I just have bad self esteem.
Sometimes I would be made fun of for my weight or people would just pick on me for the fun of it.
They thought it was funny when I got mad or upset from something they said or did.
One thing I've noticed about Northwest is that I'm the only one who has criticized me.
No one but me.
Everyone is either nice or just doesn't pay attention to me which honestly most of the time I would like.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I have bad self esteem and people here are nice.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

One Long Week

This week has been so long.
I can't even begin to count how many times I've just wanted to fall asleep.
I keep doubting myself about everything I do.
It also rained today and I had to buy a hoodie at the school store.
Those things are expensive....It was $30 and that was ten dollars off. Maybe I'm just cheap oops. Cheap college student......nah that's normal.
It's also supposed to rain tomorrow. Possibly storm. Like tornado producing storm kind of storm.
But the drama that comes from a tornado or a strong storm makes me weirdly extremely excited.
I'm also so scared of tornadoes. So it's rather weird I guess.
I don't think I make sense much at all....oops