Sunday, September 29, 2013

Family Weekend

This weekend was family weekend at my school.

My sister Jeanette and my best friend Chancey came to visit me. I was so happy to see them. I got to spend time with two of my very best friends.

I took a picture of Chancey in the library just because I felt like it honestly. Jeanette was hell bent on getting a pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks.

They stayed in Dietrich because it's being remodeled later this year. Chancey and I were acting as we normally do. Really odd and slightly mean yet mostly just sarcastic and joking....We were sitting on the desks with the windows open and we were just people watching.

After the football game on Saturday, Kyle took us to his dorm...err well we drove him but it was because I wanted Chancey to see the nice dorms too. We saw Bobby the Bearcat in the hall and of course Chancey and Kyle had to get a picture with him. That's just the way they are. 

After that we went to Red Lobster and met up with Kyle's mom, sister, brother, and sister in law. Chancey was driving there and she probably shouldn't have taken a picture but ya know. 

When we got there we had to wait for like an hour but then we got to the table. Now Kyle's little sister Hayley is normally extremely shy when she is around new people but Chancey gets along with literally every kid every where. Hayley and her were acting like best friends. It was pretty much awesome because well Chancey is my best friend but she's practically my sister. We've been friends since we were like two and three. Her getting along with Kyle's family is very important and they did get along awesomely. 

You could say this weekend was one of the best weekends of college I've had so far. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Most Popular Girls in School

Has anyone ever seen the youtube series The Most Popular Girls In School?

If you haven't this is the first episode. 

I love that so much. It’s so hilarious. The best thing right now is that I live near there. I live near Overland Park when I’m at school…and I just happen to be someone who watches local news stations. Every single time they say Overland Park I die. Not even kidding.

I get really excited when I have seen or am near a place that’s in a show, book, or movie. I also get really excited about names and dates and things. Like if a book says September 13th I will probably squeal. Out loud. You think I’m joking.

I think I’ll leave this post on that note. 


The selling of human organs is the topic for my next essay in my comp I class. I don’t even know what to say about this. I don’t really even have much of a stance on this subject. I’m pretty scared to be honest. I don’t think I’ll be able to write a paper that is good enough.

I guess I do have some kind of stance. It’s bad in some ways but it’s good in others. The first thing I’m thinking of is honestly I have no idea what selling organs is completely about. The fact that I’m uneducated isn't a good thing for having a stance.

I’m so hazy on this entire subject. If it’s good why is it illegal? But then again there is an unbelievable amount of good things that are illegal.

I’m just not sure.             

Sunday, September 22, 2013

I'm a Cat Lady

Okay well I guess I'm not really because I don't have 20 cats and I'm not single. But I cried last night because I missed my cats.......

That is kind of least I think.

This is Didymus.

He is my sister's kitten. He's growing so fast. It's unbelievable. He always purrs when I hold him and I miss that. When I get all stressed out I just want to hold him but he's five hours away. 

I make my parents send me pictures and videos of him because he is so cute man.

I do not understand why there are people that don't like cats. HOW? How can you not like cats? How is that even possible? 

My other cat's name is Otis. He is my cat. He acts like a teenager. He hates being around people for long periods of time and only likes you when you feed him. When he shows me affection I freak because I love it so much. 

He never does it though.

I would definitely be a cat lady if it wasn't for Kyle....

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hi, My Name is Sami and I'm Addicted to Netflix

I think I've been watching Netflix more than anything else.
I probably shouldn't.
I should study more or maybe I should do extra homework.
But here I am, watching Netflix. A whole lot of Netflix.
Mostly entire televisions series’ in two to three nights.
New Girl and Raising Hope lately.

I  also should be hanging out with people. At least making friends but no.
I tend to be a computer using, complete loner. I've been like that for years. I started using computers when I was three. That’s pretty bad honestly. Even for my generation that is bad.

I really need to avoid changing topics all over the place. But I do have a slight excuse I mean at least I can use this card once. I’m completely out of my ADHD medicine officially.

I’m just going to go now…

Monday, September 16, 2013

Going Home

I got the chance to finally go home this weekend.
My birthday was Friday. I turned 19.
I got to see my kitties! That was my favorite part honestly.
I also got to see my parents, my sister, and my best friend.
I miss them already. It's so strange living five hours away from home.
I just can't wait to see my family again.
On Saturday we had my birthday party. It's pretty much an annual weenie roast at my aunt's house. I got a dairy queen cake and it was amazing. I also got to spend time with Chancey. She is my best friend and she has been since we were so small. Pre-school really. She and I went to a place called Best Buffet. It's a Chinese buffet and honestly I only eat American food there. It's just something Chancey and I have always done. It's her very favorite place so I thought that would be the best place to go. I also got to spend time with my sister. At one point we listened to a pod cast called Mysterious Universe. It is amazing. I love it so much. If you have any interest in creepy things like paranormal kind of things you should check it out.

I think next time I'm going to talk about stuff like that. It's probably easiest for me to talk about that because I'm just so interested.

Monday, September 9, 2013

My Seventh Post

I must be extremely dumb because I can never tell when someone is joking.
Ask anyone.
Anyway, I thought I would get my seventh post out of the way waaaay before Friday because I need to work my butt off on my Comp assignment.
I'm so scared so I'm going to the writing center sometime and working on it with Kyle. I also have to take a math paper quiz and I've recently noticed that just because I completely understand it in class doesn't mean I will understand the homework.
I am not doing to well. I plan to get a tutor.
Thank the Lord my school has free resources like those.
I just have a huge load on me this week.
I have to study for a test, study for another test, take a quiz, write a paper, give a speech. That's probably not even the end of it.
It's also my birthday week.
At least this weekend I get to see my parents, sister, best friends, and cats. Really though. I'm not gonna lie, I'm most excited about the cats.
I think I'm going to video blog at home. I can use my flip vid. I haven't for a very long time. I miss it really.
At least some things are going well.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Zodiac

Hello all.
I'm posting again for the third day in a row.
Recently I watched The Zodiac and it just made me think a lot.
I mean how crazy is it that they still don't have any hard evidence?
And there is only one cipher that has been solved.
What if the killer wasn't the man they thought? What if the real killer was just very very smart? What if he framed that man? Obviously the guy was smart. What if he just decided to stop everything once the suspect died? What if the real zodiac killer is still alive? What if he just doesn't kill anymore? Just a lot of what ifs that are so interesting.
Things like that really get me thinking.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

No Life

It's only a day since I last posted but I need to get seven posts done by Friday.
I did laundry successfully today.
I wrote my outline for Comp.
I also finished my speech outline.
Now I have to write it on note cards.
It's really hard when you like to be at home or by yourself and you have homework but you also need to have a social life.

And now my boyfriend says he can't take me home next weekend.
I'm really home sick right now and it's my birthday next weekend.
I don't know what I'm doing.
I need to come up with things to actually talk about.
Things that are interesting.

Friday, September 6, 2013


It's Friday. I'm tired. I'm nervous.

My mom fixed everything with my medicine. Thank God for mothers.

Today I had my first job interview. It was for the Head Start Center in town. For those of you who don't know, head start is a pre school program. I was so nervous and I think I overdressed. I wore a cute dress but when I got in there , the interviewer was wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

I keep getting stressed out because I have to finish my speech outline and finish my outline for comp 1. I'm so bad at writing. Well at least I think I am. I have been told that I'm not but still.

I've been watching netflix lately. A whole shit ton of netflix. But I mean that is the definition of a college student right?

I don't have much to say really. I've been trying to think more about writing and things but I keep forgetting that this is for a grade too.

School stress man.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Whole Lot More and a Whole Lot of Suck

So I was thinking and I have to post blogs a lot more than what I had planned. We have to have a total of seven done by I'm pretty sure he said...Oh that's my birthday....So I think he said by the Friday after this Friday.


So today I started to feel overwhelmed. I haven't gone up and talked to any of my professors yet but I haven't really felt a need to...yet. I'm scared that I'm doing something wrong. Classes are awesome but I'm never told when I have to do something and yes I know that's how college works but I have a bigger problem.

I have ADHD...the inattentive type which, as you might think, is basically the same thing as ADD. The problem is that being in college not very many doctors like to prescribe my medicine to me. I still have some left for this month but I have to find a doctor quick. I keep freaking out about the fact that in Missouri I do not have insurance. I have insurance at home. Five hours away. Even the closest city in Illinois is 4 hours away. I can't get what I need. I'm not wanting to miss any classes but it looks like I'll have to. But that also means my boyfriend (the only one who has a car out of the two of us) would have to take me. He would have to miss class and I don't think it's excused when you "have to take your girlfriend to the doctor four hours away. I only really know that I need my medicine so badly because I had so much trouble in school even though I was on it. When I didn't have my medicine it was like I was a zombie. I couldn't understand anything. I felt like I was drowning in words that were all around me. I'm more frightened right now than I ever thought I would be. I can't fail. I can't do a bad job. People have told me that I should have tried to learn ways to cope with it. I don't think they fully understand.

Yes some people can cope with having adhd and not having their medicine. Now don't get mad at me for saying this it is just an opinion but...Wouldn't the people who cope without medicine be the reason that adhd is over diagnosed? Actually more like they are the product of the over diagnosing. I literally can not function the way an average person functions without taking my medicine.

I just wish there was a way to fix this.